Launch Closure/Weather Advisory

Launch service: Be advised if you need to check on your vessel, you will need to do that today (Thursday 9/19) before sun set. Due to the growing storm off the coast we will be closing at 7pm today and will be closed tomorrow due to sustained 15-20 knot winds. We will not put our drivers or our equipment in harms way with the sustained winds that are expected.

We plan to open Saturday at 9am and will be closing at 7pm due to continued weather.

As always if you have any questions please email or call and thank you for your understanding.

Be sure to sign up for our email notification list to be made aware of changes/disruptions to launch service. Link is on top right hand corner of website.

Mid-Harbor launch drivers can be hailed on VHF channel 69. From May to October, we have launches operating from the Village Street Dock on Marblehead’s West Shore.

Saturday : 8am – 10pm

Sunday: 8am – 9pm

Monday: 8am – 8pm

Tuesday: 8am – 8pm

Wednesday:  8am – 9pm

Thursday: 8am – 9pm

Friday: 8am – 10pm

We are the only mooring company that exclusively works on Marblehead’s West Shore. That means we are here to help you if there are any problems or concerns. We can save you the most money this boating season. We offer many discounts for mooring and launch services throughout the year*.
Credit Card Logos

We accept credit cards for both mooring service** and launch service***.

*Launch and mooring discount pricing cannot be combined with other pricing discounts. Contact our office for pricing discounts.

**All services must be paid for before work will be performed. There will be a $25 charge for any returned checks and an 18 percent annual interest charge on the late balance past thirty days.

***Stickers only. This is not available on a pay-by-the-ride basis.


Transportation of Fuel on Launch Is Prohibited




Mid-Harbor Launch LLC, its agents, officers, and employees will make every effort to get you, your family, and guests out to and in from your boat carefully and courteously. However, you are using this service at your own risk and must realize that boats, floats, and other vessels are moving with waves, tides, and the wind.  Mid-Harbor Launch LLC cannot be held responsible for the absolute safety of people or boats using this service. When on the launch, please wear correct footwear, sit on the seats provided, have your hands free, and use good judgment. Mid-Harbor Launch LLC reserves the right to discontinue its launch service due to severe weather until conditions improve. The transport of fuel is not allowed on the launches.

Get in Touch

Mailing Address
16 Tioga Way
Marblehead, MA 01945

Call the Office: (781) 631-0611

VHF (Hail the Launch)

VHF Channel 69
